Fruits of Summer

Fruit, oh glorious fruit! I love summer time! During the summer months, there is such an abundance of fresh fruit on the market. Speaking of market, our local farmer's markets are open on Thursday and again on Saturday. I love it!

The displays of cherries, strawberries, and raspberries are beautiful and they smell so good. It's hard to resist something that smells that yummy. But why would I resist? It's all so good for me! Right now I have a refrigerator full of fresh fruits and vegies from my local market. Mmmmmmmm yummy!

I purged the main kitchen of all the kid snacks. They are banned to a small shelf located outside the kitchen. The kids are happy, I'm really happy. I've overstocked my kitchen with healthy fruits and vegies so my snack attacks are easier to manage with a healthy choice.

So far I haven't had any snack attacks. I'm almost disappointed!


Anonymous said...

hehe! I did the same thing today. My parents and I went to a local produce stand, and stocked up. Your virtual model looks great! Kudos!

Kaye said...

Kat,I can't hardly wait to have the body of the middle model. The last model is in the not too terribly far off distance too! I figure a year. YAY! LOL

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Visual Goals