Workout Schedule

I've made a decision, I don't really feel motivated by the workout suggestions, so I'm dropping those from my routine.

The pilates workout is much easier than I thought it would be. I am using the Winsor pilates with the sculpting circle. I purchased a set with a bunch of workout DVDs. I'm using the beginner workout. My plan is to use the pilates workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I think those are the best days for me.

I'm going to continue walking. It's the best form of exercise for me, because there isn't anything to it, I put on my walking shoes and go. I'm starting to love it! It's almost addicting.

My schedule, as I've planned, is to walk first thing in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, followed up by my pilates workout. I'll walk every morning, then if I want to go for an evening walk, that's a bonus for the day!

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