No Excuses

Plain facts. I had soda today. I walked about 15 minutes today. Maybe 25 minutes of walking. I had a donut a few minutes ago and I haven't finished even half of my water.

I'm not going to try to make up any excuses. How am I going to help prevent things like this from happening in the future?
  • First of all, I'm going to print out my goals and post them right in next to the toilet in the bathroom. That will be the first thing I read in the morning.
  • I'm going to print another copy of my goals and challenges and hang them on the fridge door.
  • I'm going to have a set printed and keep them in the car so I have them with me at all times.

I don't feel like I've failed. I do feel like I need to work on remembering what my goals are.

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Visual Goals

Visual Goals