My Top 5 New Favorite Foods

Last night I posted my top 5 favorite bad foods. Tonight I thought I'd post my new favorite foods that I can eat without feeling guilty. I really don't miss the bad foods too much when I have all these new favorites on my list!

  1. Watermelon is at the top of my list. It's the perfect summertime dessert. When it's served right out of the fridge it is so good, I don't even miss having ice cream!
  2. Charcoal grilled chicken breast. When I have the grill fired up, I grill extra so it's always in the fridge. Grilled chicken on a leafy greens & vegie salad with a light dressing is so yummy at the end of a hot day. Not that we are having many hot days here in Seattle, but I can always hope!
  3. Icy cold flavored water. It's a low calorie refresher when everyone around me is having a soda.
  4. Grilled fish. I didn't even know you could grill fish until I started this diet. I don't like it as smokey as my chicken, so I don't close the lid on my grill while the fish is cooking.
  5. Dill pickles. I love them icy cold and crunchy. They only have about 5 calories a serving. Yum!

Summer has to be the best season to be on a diet. All those yummy fresh fruits on the market these days. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and grilled chicken or fish. Yummy!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could force myself to go out to the grill more often... just to stinkin hot.

I'll definitely agree on the fruit though. My wife and I have been going to the farmers market every week to pick up apples and peaches.



Anonymous said...

Our local fruit market is my new favorite place to shop!

It's not all that hot here, so getting out to grill is great. But when I don't get out and fire up the grill, the george forman is a good option for me.

Anonymous said...

Our local fruit market is my new favorite place to shop!

It's not all that hot here, so getting out to grill is great. But when I don't get out and fire up the grill, the george forman is a good option for me.

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